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Featured Ingredient: Bread

Bread falls into two categories, with little middle ground. On one hand, it’s taken for granted, another item to check-off on the grocery shopping list. On the other, a fresh loaf can be praised as the greatest food on earth. Whether enjoyed as a bagel, baguette, or roti, bread in all its iterations is an essential staple around the world, with a story that’s older than you may think. Read on to learn why bread is ancient history.

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Featured Ingredient Guest User Featured Ingredient Guest User

Featured Ingredient: Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a romantic summer fruit, (yes, they are a fruit!) Find them in a slow-cooked sauce over pasta, or a tangy, spicy salsa enjoyed with chips and a beer. They add a gentle sweetness to sandwiches, and are a summer balm sliced on toast with a little pepper, salt and basil. Tomatoes are certainly beloved, and where you source them is likely more important than you realized. 

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Featured Ingredient: Okra

Okra is a southern staple that has, against all odds, taken root on farms here in Washington. While we’re sure glad okra has made its way into the American palette, its journey to the U.S. speaks to this country’s history of violence and subjugation. Read on to learn the history of this locally and globally beloved ingredient.

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