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Market Amenities

All markets are ADA accessible.

Vendors accept Cash, Credit, and Debit.

All of our markets accept EBT/SNAP. Swipe your card at the Market Manager Booth.

SNAP users automatically receive an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match with the SNAP Market Match Program. NFM SNAP tokens can be spent at any of our seven markets and Market Match can be spent at any farmers market in Washington.

WIC + Senior FMNP accepted by participating farmers.

Fresh Bucks accepted.

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Getting There + Parking

Bus routes: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 83 provide service between the University District and downtown Seattle. Route 48 travels west to east.

Light Rail: The U District station is two blocks away from the farmers market.

Parking: Suggested donation of $3 (pay at Market Manager booth) for use of U Heights parking lots.

Handicap spots: 2 each available in the North & South lots at U-Heights.

Bike Parking: Racks available at U Heights. Please do not ride your bike through the market - thank you!

Bike Benefits: All our markets participate in the Bike Benefits program. Show your sticker at the Market Manager booth and receive a $2 Farm Buck to spend in the market. Click here for details, or simply ask us at the Market Manager booth.

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Market Safety

The safety and health of our shoppers, our farmers, and our staff are critical.  Our market operating plans are formed in conjunction with and approved by Seattle/King County Public Health, the City of Seattle, and the Seattle Fire Department.


Buy Some Share Some

The University District Farmers Market partners with local food banks to increase access to fresh, healthy food. Are you buying a bunch of carrots? Think about buying an extra bundle and drop it off at the Manager’s Tent for the food bank to pick up at the end of the market day. All produce is accepted. Thank you! 


Regularly recognized as one of the best farmers markets in the U.S., the University District Farmers Market is Seattle’s largest and oldest farm-and-food-only market, founded in 1993. Located between 50th and 52nd Streets on “The Ave” (the colloquial name for University Way), the market has a core group of “lifers” - farmers and food artisans who have been there, if not since the beginning, then darn near that long! It is these long-time vendors and the market’s dedicated shoppers who help give the UDFM its hometown feel and community atmosphere, despite featuring over 80 booths during peak season. Professional and amateur chefs alike come every Saturday to source unique ingredients not readily found even at other farmers markets.


Market vendors vary from week to week and last-minute changes may occur. While we strive to update vendor lists and maps here each week, it is not always possible. If you have questions about a particular vendor, or if you’re looking for a particular product, be sure to stop by the Manager Tent!

 Thank You to our Sponsors & Partners of the University District Farmers Market

Sponsors offset our market operation expenses and help make these vital community resources possible. To learn more about becoming a market sponsor, please click here.