Featured Ingredient Neighborhood Farmers Markets Featured Ingredient Neighborhood Farmers Markets

Featured Ingredient: Hardy Kiwi

There is something kind of adorable about hardy kiwis. It may have to do with their size- roughly a quarter of their more popular cousin the kiwifruit- or the scrappiness of their name. They may be small, but they sure are hardy. Hardy kiwis are certainly a berry to root for. Though the plant thrives in Pacific North West conditions, very little is known about its varieties and few people have even heard of it. If you ask hardy kiwi enthusiasts and growers, it’s time they entered the main-stream. Read on to learn more about this tenacious little berry.

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Featured Ingredient: Likok (Bitter Eggplant)

Given its popularity at the farmers market, it is surprisingly challenging to find information about likok, also known as bitter eggplant, or bitter tomato. Only a small handful of farmers grow and sell it, and those that do sell out quickly during its short growing season. The uncommon fruit is coveted by Seattleites who have immigrated from places like Northern and North Eastern Africa, India, and the Himalayas. Read on to learn more about this mystery crop!

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