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Featured Ingredient: Brussels Sprouts

A few days ago, this NFM foodie learned that Brussels sprouts are a controversial vegetable. Brand new to this debate, I, of course, took a stand. Brussel sprouts are one of my favorite things on this earth, and I believe that people who dislike them simply haven't tasted them properly cooked. If that argument doesn't land with dissenters, (and apparently it doesn't, more often than not), perhaps this divisive vegetable's fascinating background will compel non-believers to give them one more try.  

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Recipe Round Up: Corn!

Sweet Corn is a quintessential summer veggie. Its deliciousness is evidenced by how willing we are to take time to shuck it and remove all the little hairs. (Can you think of a more popular and more labor-intensive vegetable staple?) We love corn on the grill or in a salad, but also wanted to get creative! Try something new from this week’s recipe round-up.

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Featured Ingredient Guest User Featured Ingredient Guest User

Featured Ingredient: Okra

Okra is a southern staple that has, against all odds, taken root on farms here in Washington. While we’re sure glad okra has made its way into the American palette, its journey to the U.S. speaks to this country’s history of violence and subjugation. Read on to learn the history of this locally and globally beloved ingredient.

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